My area of expertise is in machine learning, computer vision, and sensor technology, with a focus on applying these techniques to uncontrolled environments and robotic systems. I have particular experience developing automated monitoring systems for agriculture use, and systems aimed to support nature conservation and biodiversity. A key aspect of my work includes creating camera systems and machine-learning for mapping the distribution of weeds to optimize agricultural pesticide application and designing methods for detecting and counting insect populations across various settings, including urban, agricultural, and natural reserve areas. Additionally, I have extensive teaching experience, having led courses in deep learning, robotics, and digital image processing.
e-mail: mads [at] dyrmann . com
Twitter (X): @mdyrmann
Selected skills
Founder, developer and CEO
AI Lab ApS,
Aug. 2018 –
Honorary Research Associate
University of Oxford – School of Geography and the Environment
Feb. 2023 – Aug 2024
Associate Professor
Aarhus University – Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
May 2022 – Jan 2024
Assistant Professor
Aarhus University – Engineering College of Aarhus
Aug. 2019 – May 2022
Aarhus University – Department of Engineering
Optimized vision based detection and classication of weeds in agriculture for realtime treatment with minimal environmental impact
Apr. 2017 – Aug. 2019
Guest Researcher
University of California, Davis – Department of Biological and Agricultural Engineering,
Apr. 2015 – Jul. 2015
PhD, Machine Learning
University of Southern Denmark – The Maersk McKinney Moller institute, UAS Center
PhD thesis: Automatic Detection and Classification of Weed Seedlings under Natural Light Conditions
2014 – 2017
Master of Science (MSc) in Engineering (Information Technology)
Aarhus University – Department of Engineering.
2012 – 2014
Bachelor of Science (BSc) in Electrical Engineering
Engineering college of Aarhus, Denmark
2008 – 2012
Danish Upper Secondary School, ”The Gymnasium”
Det Kristne Gymnasium, Ringkøbing, Denmark
2005 – 2008
Selected skills
Data science
Expertise in data processing, image processing and geospatial data handling. Employ a data exploration approach to problem-solving, combining strong foundation in data visualization, statistical modeling, and machine learning.
Electrical Engineering
I routinely design, build, and set up sensor systems, cameras and processing platforms; including PCB-development and embedded programming. The right data, starts with the right sensor.
Programming Languages, Frameworks and tools
Python, Matlab, C, Linux, PyTorch, Scikit-learn, OpenCV, Scikit-image, ROS/ROS2, Pandas, Jupyter, Git, MongoDB
Dyrmann, M., Skovsen, S. K., Christiansen, P. H., Kragh, M. F., & Mortensen, A. K. (2024). High-speed camera system for efficient monitoring of invasive plant species along roadways (13:360). F1000Research.
Bjerge, K., Alison, J., Dyrmann, M., Frigaard, C. E., Mann, H. M. R., & Høye, T. T. (2023). Accurate detection and identification of insects from camera trap images with deep learning. PLOS Sustainability and Transformation, 2(3).
Bjerge, K., Geissmann, Q., Alison, J., Mann, H. M. R., Høye, T. T., Dyrmann, M., & Karstoft, H. (2023). Hierarchical classification of insects with multitask learning and anomaly detection. Ecological Informatics, 77, artikel 102278.
Bjerge, K., Geissmann, Q., Alison, J., Mann, H. M. R., Høye, T. T., Dyrmann, M., & Karstoft, H. (2023). Hierarchical Classification of Insects with Multitask Learning and Anomaly Detection. bioRxiv.
Bjerge, K., Alison, J., Dyrmann, M., Frigaard, C. E., Mann, H. M. R., & Høye, T. T. (2022). Accurate detection and identification of insects from camera trap images with deep learning. bioRxiv.
Høye, T. T., Dyrmann, M., Kjær, C., Nielsen, J., Bruus, M., Mielec, C. L., Vesterdal, M. S., Bjerge, K., Madsen, S. A., Jeppesen, M. R., & Melvad, C. (2022). Accurate image-based identification of macroinvertebrate specimens using deep learning — How much training data is needed? PeerJ, 10, artikel e13837.
Christensen, S., Dyrmann, M., Nyholm Jørgensen, R., & Laursen, M. S. (2021). Sensing for Weed Detection. I Sensing Approaches for Precision Agriculture (s. 275-300). Springer.,
Dyrmann, M., Mortensen, A. K., Linneberg, L., Høye, T. T., & Bjerge, K. (2021). Camera Assisted Roadside Monitoring for Invasive Alien Plant Species Using Deep Learning. Sensors (Switzerland), 21(18), artikel 6126.
Dyrmann, M., Skovsen, S. K., & Christiansen, P. H. (2021). Camera-based estimation of sugar beet stem points and weed cover using convolutional neural networks. I J. V. Stafford (red.), Precision agriculture ’21 (s. 307-313)
Farkhani, S., Skovsen, S. K., Dyrmann, M., Nyholm Jørgensen, R., & Karstoft, H. (2021). Weed classification using explainable multi-resolution slot attention. Sensors, 21(20), artikel 6705.
Skovsen, S. K., Laursen, M. S., Kristensen, R. K., Rasmussen, J., Dyrmann, M., Eriksen, J., Gislum, R., Nyholm Jørgensen, R., & Karstoft, H. (2021). Robust Species Distribution Mapping of Crop Mixtures Using Color Images and Convolutional Neural Networks. Sensors, 21( 1), artikel 175.
Madsen, S. L., Mathiassen, S. K., Dyrmann, M., Laursen, M. S., Paz, L-C., & Nyholm Jørgensen, R. (2020). Open Plant Phenotype Database of Common Weeds in Denmark. Remote Sensing, 12(8), artikel 1246.
Madsen, S. L., Dyrmann, M., Nyholm Jørgensen, R., & Karstoft, H. (2019). Generating artificial images of plant seedlings using generative adversarial networks. Biosystems Engineering, 187, 147-159.
Nyholm Jørgensen, R. (Producent), Laursen, M. S. (Producent), Teimouri, N. (Producent), Madsen, S. L. (Producent), Dyrmann, M. (Producent), Somerville, G. J. (Producent), & Mathiassen, S. K. (Producent). (2019). RoboWeedMaps – Automated weed detection and mapping – Invited talk at SSWM 2019, SDU, Odense Denmark. Billeder, Video- og Lydoptagelser (digital), YouTube.
Skovsen, S., Laursen, M. S., Gislum, R., Eriksen, J., Dyrmann, M., Mortensen, A. K., Farkhani, S., Karstoft, H., Jensen, N-P., & Nyholm Jørgensen, R. (2019). Species distribution mapping of grass clover leys using images for targeted nitrogen fertilization. I J. V. Stafford (red.), Precision Agriculture 2019 – Papers Presented at the 12th European Conference on Precision Agriculture, ECPA 2019 (s. 639-645). Wageningen Academic Publishers.
Skovsen, S. (Producent), Dyrmann, M. (Producent), Mortensen, A. K. (Producent), Laursen, M. S. (Producent), Gislum, R. (Producent), Eriksen, J. (Producent), Farkhani, S. (Producent), Karstoft, H. (Producent), & Nyholm Jørgensen, R. (Producent). (2019). The GrassClover Image Dataset for Semantic and Hierarchical Species Understanding in Agriculture. Datasæt
Skovsen, S., Dyrmann, M., Mortensen, A. K., Laursen, M. S., Gislum, R., Eriksen, J., Farkhani, S., Karstoft, H., & Nyholm Jørgensen, R. (2019). The GrassClover Image Dataset for Semantic and Hierarchical Species Understanding in Agriculture. Poster session præsenteret ved IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition 2019, Long Beach, California, USA.
Skovsen, S., Dyrmann, M., Mortensen, A. K., Laursen, M. S., Gislum, R., Eriksen, J., Farkhani, S., Karstoft, H., & Nyholm Jørgensen, R. (2019). The GrassClover Image Dataset for Semantic and Hierarchical Species Understanding in Agriculture. I The IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) Workshops IEEE.
Somerville, G. J., Nyholm Jørgensen, R., Bojer, O. M., Rydahl, P., Dyrmann, M., Andersen, P., Jensen, N-P., & Green, O. (2019). Marrying futuristic weed mapping with current herbicide sprayer capacities. I J. V. Stafford (red.), Precision Agriculture 2019 – Papers Presented at the 12th European Conference on Precision Agriculture, ECPA 2019 (s. 231-237). Wageningen Academic Publishers.
Teimouri, N., Dyrmann, M., & Nyholm Jørgensen, R. (2019). A novel spatio-temporal FCN-LSTM Network for Recognizing Various Crop Types Using Multi-Temporal Radar Images. Remote Sensing, 11(8), artikel 990.
Dyrmann, M., Christiansen, P., & Midtiby, H. S. (2018). Estimation of plant species by classifying plants and leaves in combination. Journal of Field Robotics, 35(2), 202-212.
Dyrmann, M., Skovsen, S., Sørensen, R. A., Nielsen, P. R., & Nyholm Jørgensen, R. (2018). Using a fully convolutional neural network for detecting locations of weeds in images from cereal fields. Abstract fra International Conference on Precision Agriculture, Montréal, Quebec, Canada.
Dyrmann, M., Skovsen, S., Laursen, M. S., & Nyholm Jørgensen, R. (2018). Using a fully convolutional neural network for detecting locations of weeds in images from cereal fields. I Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Precision Agriculture International Society of Precision Agriculture.
Karimi, H., Skovsen, S., Dyrmann, M., & Nyholm Jørgensen, R. (2018). A Novel Locating System for Cereal Plant Stem Emerging Points’ Detection Using a Convolutional Neural Network. Sensors, 18 (5), artikel 1611.
Larsen, D., Steen, K. A., Skovsen, S., Grooters, K., Eriksen, J., Nyholm Jørgensen, R., Dyrmann, M., & Green, O. (2018). Semantic Segmentation of Clover-Grass Images using Images from Commercially Available Drones. I P. W. G. Groot Koerkamp, C. Lokhorst , A. H. Ipema, C. Kempenaar, C. M. Groenestein, C. G. van Oostrum, & N. J. Ros (red.), Book of Abstracts of the European Conference on Agricultural Engineering: AgEng2018 (s. 110). Wageningen University.
Madsen, S. L., Dyrmann, M., Laursen, M. S., Mathiassen, S. K., & Nyholm Jørgensen, R. (2018). Data Acquisition Platform for Collecting High-Quality Images of Cultivated Weed. I P. W. G. Groot Koerkamp, C. Lokhorst , A. H. Ipema, C. Kempenaar, C. M. Groenestein, C. van Oostrum, & N. Ros (red.), Proceedings of the European Conference on Agricultural Engineering: AgEng2018 (s. 360-369). Wageningen University.
Rydahl, P., Bojer, O. M., Jorgensen, R. N., Dyrmann, M., Andersen, P., Jensen, N., & Sorensen, M. (2018). Spatial variability of optimized herbicide mixtures and dosages. I Proceedings 14th International Conference on Precision Agriculture (ICPA2018) (s. 1-14). artikel 5040 International Society of Precision Agriculture.
Skovsen, S., Dyrmann, M., Eriksen, J., Gislum, R., Karstoft, H., & Nyholm Jørgensen, R. (2018). Predicting Dry Matter Composition of Grass Clover Leys Using Data Simulation and Camera-based Segmentation of Field Canopies into White Clover, Red Clover, Grass and Weeds. I Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Precision Engineering artikel 5079 International Society of Precision Agriculture.
Skovsen, S., Dyrmann, M., Eriksen, J., Gislum, R., Karstoft, H., & Nyholm Jørgensen, R. (2018). Predicting Dry Matter Composition of Grass Clover Leys Using Data Simulation and Camera-based Segmentation of Field Canopies into White Clover, Red Clover, Grass and Weeds. Abstract fra International Conference on Precision Agriculture, Montréal, Quebec, Canada.
Steen, K. A., Grooters, K., Høilund, C., Rasmussen, J., Nyholm Jørgensen, R., Dyrmann, M., & Green, O. (2018). Automated Weed Intensity Mapping. I G. K. P.W.G. , C. Lokhorst, A. H. Ipema, C. Kempenaar, C. M. Groenestein , C. G. van Oostrum, & N. J. Ros (red.), Book of Abstracts of the European Conference on Agricultural Engineering: AgEng2018 (s. 109). Wageningen University.
Steen, K. A., Delebasse, S., Grooters, K., Høilund, C., Dyrmann, M., Skovsen, S., Nyholm Jørgensen, R., & Green, O. (2018). In-field Potato Diseases Detection. I P. W. G. Groot Koerkamp, C. Lokhorst, A. H. Ipema, C. Kempenaar, C. M. Groenestein, C. G. van Oostrum , & N. J. Ros (red.), Book of Abstracts of the European Conference on Agricultural Engineering: AgEng2018 (s. 111). Wageningen University.
Teimouri, N., Dyrmann, M., Nielsen, P. R., Mathiassen, S. K., Somerville, G. J., & Jørgensen, R. N. (2018). Weed Growth Stage Estimator Using Deep Convolutional Neural Networks. Sensors, 18(5), artikel 1580.
Dyrmann, M. (2017). Automatic Detection and Classification of Weed Seedlings under Natural Light Conditions.
Dyrmann, M., Nyholm Jørgensen, R., & Midtiby, H. S. (2017). Detection of weed locations in leaf occluded cereal crops using a fully convolutional neural network. Advances in Animal Biosciences, 8(2), 842-847.
Giselsson, T. M., Nyholm Jørgensen, R., Jensen, P. K., Dyrmann, M., & Midtiby, H. S. (2017). A Public Image Database for Benchmark of Plant Seedling Classification Algorithms.
Jensen, K., Dyrmann, M., & Midtiby, H. S. (2017). Increasing the motivation of high school students to pursue engineering careers through an application-oriented active learning boot-camp. Abstract fra Exploring Teaching for Active Learning in Engineering Education, Odense, Danmark.
Jørgensen, R. N., & Dyrmann, M. (2017). Automatisk ukrudtsgenkendelse er ikke længere science fiction. Abstract fra plantekongres 2017, Herning, Danmark.
Laursen, M. S., Nyholm Jørgensen, R., Dyrmann, M., & Poulsen, R. (2017). RoboWeedSupport – Sub Millimeter Weed Image Acquisition in Cereal Crops with Speeds up till 50 Km/h. International Journal of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering, 11(4), 311-315.
Nielsen, P. R., Jensen, N-P., Dyrmann, M., Nielsen, P-H., & Nyholm Jørgensen, R. (2017). RoboWeedSupport – Presentation of a cloud based system bridging the gap between in-field weed inspections and decision support systems. Advances in Animal Biosciences, 8(2), 860-864.
Nyholm Jørgensen, R. (Producent), & Dyrmann, M. (Producent). (2017). Automatisk genkendelse af ukrudt. Billeder, Video- og Lydoptagelser (digital), YouTube.
Skovsen, S., Dyrmann, M., Mortensen, A. K., Steen, K. A., Green, O., Eriksen, J., Gislum, R., Nyholm Jørgensen, R., & Karstoft, H. (2017). Estimation of the Botanical Composition of Clover-Grass Leys from RGB Images Using Data Simulation and Fully Convolutional Neural Networks. Sensors, 17(12), artikel 2930.
Dyrmann, M., Midtiby, H. S., & Nyholm Jørgensen, R. (2016). Evaluation of intra variability between annotators of weed species in color images. Paper præsenteret ved International Conference on Agricultural Engineering 2016, Aarhus, Danmark.
Dyrmann, M., Mortensen, A. K., Midtiby, H. S., & Nyholm Jørgensen, R. (2016). Pixel-wise classification of weeds and crops in images by using a Fully Convolutional neural network. Paper præsenteret ved International Conference on Agricultural Engineering 2016, Aarhus, Danmark.
Dyrmann, M., Karstoft, H., & Midtiby, H. S. (2016). Plant species classification using deep convolutional neural network. Biosystems Engineering, 151(November), 72-80.
Dyrmann, M. (2015). Fuzzy C-means based plant segmentation with distance dependent threshold. I S. A. Tsaftaris, H. Scharr, & T. Pridmore (red.), Proceedings of the Computer Vision Problems in Plant Phenotyping (CVPPP) (s. 5.1-5.11). BMVA Press.
Dyrmann, M., & Christiansen, P. (2014). Automated Classification of Seedlings Using Computer Vision: Pattern Recognition of Seedlings Combining Features of Plants and Leaves for Improved Discrimination. Aarhus University.
Dyrmann, M. (2014). Weed detection by UAV with camera guided landing sequence. Abstract fra NJF Seminar, Herning, Denmark.
MAMBO: Modern Approaches to the Monitoring of BiOdiversity
Høye, T. T., Moeslund, J. E., Walicka, A., Dyrmann, M., Kerby, J. T., Bjerge, K. & Marcussen, L. K.
01/09/2022 → 31/08/2026
Danfoil, Hecto Drone, Danish Agro Group, Aalborg Universitet, Klitgaard Agro, Scout Robotics, og The AI Lab
31/08/2022 → 31/12/2024
Automatisk insektmonitering på fondens arealer – natsommerfugle som eksempel
Høye, T. T., Bjerge, K. & Dyrmann, M.
01/07/2021 → 31/12/2023
Pilotprojekt for automatisk registrering af invasive plantearter og trafikdræbte dyr langs danske statsve
Dyrmann, M., Bjerge, K. & Mortensen, A. K., Høye, T. T., Vejdirektoratet
01/04/2020 → 31/01/2021
01/09/2018 → 31/08/2020
RoboWeedMaPS – Automated Weed detection, Mapping and Variable Precision Control of Weeds
01/01/2017 → 15/08/2019
01/01/2014 → 31/01/2016
I am currently teaching a course in Deep Learning, a course in Digital Image Processing, a course in Robot Programming and Kinematics, a course in Autonomous Mobile Robots, and a course in Stochastic Modeling and Processing.
The table shows an overview of previous taught courses:
Year | Title of course | No. of participants | ECTS | Levels taught | Exam |
2024 | Oxford Robotics society | 10 | Undergraduate and Graduate | No exam | |
2023 | Deep Learning | 111 | 10 | M.Sc and B.Sc | Written exam |
2023 | Digital Image Processing | 44 | 5 | B.Sc and B.Eng | Oral exam |
2023 | Autonomous Mobile Robots | 49 | 5 | B.Eng | Written and oral exam |
2023 | Programming Robots and Kinematics | 22 | 5 | B.Eng | Written and oral exam |
2023 | Stochastic Modeling and Processing (Summer school) | 26 | 5 | B.Eng | Written exam |
2022 | Autonomous Mobile Robots | 41 | 5 | B.Eng | Written and oral exam |
2022 | Autonomous Mobile Robots – Drones | 9 | 5 | B.Sc | Written and oral exam |
2022 | Deep Learning | 104 | 10 | M.Sc and B.Sc | Written exam |
2022 | Digital Image Processing | 35 | 5 | B.Sc and B.Eng | Oral exam |
2022 | Programmering 1 | 46 | 5 | B.Eng | Written exam |
2022 | Programming Robots and Kinematics | 15 | 5 | B.Eng | Written and oral exam |
2022 | Deep Learning | 114 | 10 | M.Sc and B.Sc | Written exam |
2021 | Autonomous Mobile Robots | 50 | 5 | B.Eng | Written and oral exam |
2021 | Deep Learning | 23 | 10 | M.Sc and B.Sc | Written exam |
2021 | Digital Image Processing | 39 | 5 | B.Sc and B.Eng | Oral exam |
2021 | Programmering 1 | 48 | 5 | B.Eng | Written exam |
2021 | Programming Robots and Kinematics | 22 | 5 | B.Eng | Written and oral exam |
2020 | Autonomous Mobile Robots | 55 | 5 | B.Eng | Written and oral exam |
2020 | Programmering 1 | 57 | 5 | B.Eng | Written exam |
2020 | Programming Robots and Kinematics | 43 | 5 | B.Eng | Written and oral exam |
2019 | Programming Robots and Kinematics | 38 | 5 | B.Eng | Written and oral exam |
2016 | Dronecertifikat | Approx 25 participants | People from industry | No exam | |
2014 -2016 | Drone workshop | Approx 75 | Upper secondary school | Assignments on an ongoing basis | |
2012 | AD/DA Converters and Filters | 2 | 5 | B.Eng | Oral exam |